The Pentée City Gazetteer

Pentée City Gazetteer

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Celebrate the first anniversary of the 5e SRD's release into the creative commons with a visit in Pentée, a city chock-full of Easter Eggs for the true D&D aficionado!

Pentée, a growing city with probably as many citizens outside the city walls as there are inside, is situated at the mouth of the river Icosa, with the expansive sea spreading before its bustling harbor.

The city's ruler, Lord Vatseer van der Kust, who once maintained a cordial relationship with his subjects, has become removed and irritable in recent years. The presumptive heir, Hath, the Lord brother's son, humiliates the citizens at every opportunity and generally acts as if he owned the place.

Somehow, a delicate balance is maintained in Pentée, but one year before the celebrations that will mark the city's quincentennial, a certain restlessness, an indescribable discontent can be felt. Eventually, something is going to give. The Pentée City Gazetteer details on of the main location of Bent Goblin Press' grand adventure Release from the OGL Vault, in which the future of the City of Pentée is determined. It features all information on Pentée that is also contained in Release from the OGL Vault for easy usage as a stand-alone city sourcebook.

All in all, the Pentée City Gazetteer gives you:

  • 18 city locations each with an easy-to-read, itemized description that helps the GM to drop it into his adventure at a moment's notice;

  • over 30 adventure hooks associated with these locations;

  • over 30 primary NPCs, each of them with a backstory and everything necessary to make a character memorable;

  • 15 secondary NPCs, amongst them the esteemed Lords and Ladies of Crystal Hall, whose renown now extends beyond the borders of the Lands of Pentée;

  • an appendix that contains a concise overview of all NPCs.

Above all, the Pentée City Gazetteer is chock-full with Easter eggs: all major NPCs but one and the details of the locations they are associated with are inspired by organizations and persons that have some relationship to the "world's greatest role-playing game". Reading through the gazetteer will bring a knowing smile to the true D&D aficionado.

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