22 min read

I asked ChatGPT to be my Dungeon Master (Second attempt)

The first time, I tried to use ChatGPT as dungeon master, the adventure lacked any kind of backstory. So this time I asked ChatGPT first for some elements of a backstory and some characters and then asked it to use these for an adventure.

The first time, I tried to use ChatGPT as dungeon master, the adventure lacked any kind of backstory. So this time I had ChatGPT come up with some elements of a backstory first.

I asked for (and you can see the results below the transcript of the adventure)

  • seven villains with a secret agenda that are respected members of society
  • a reason, why each of the villains might give a dinner party
  • possible evidence for each villain's nefarious activities
  • ten possible guests at such a dinner party
  • seven henchmen, which might be working for any of the villains

Then I told ChatGPT the following:

Now I want you to act as dungeon master in a roleplaying game. Pick at random one of the villains and five of the guests and two of the henchman. The setting of the game will be a dinner party given by the villain, to which he has invited the five random guests and me. I will play Bent, a halfling rogue and con man who is impersonating an ambassador from a faraway dukedom and who has been tasked with infiltrating the villains home, find prove of his nefarious activities and escape from the home with the evidence. The evidence should be located in one of the ten rooms of the house. We will play like this: You describe the scene to me and ask me what I want to do. You do not presume any activities I might undertake, ask me and I will tell you how Bent reacts to what you describe. I will describe what Bent does by writing in first person. Let us start the game: describe the scene when I arrive at the villains home and the door is opened by one of his henchmen.

Below, you find a transcript of the game with ChatGPT as dungeon master. There is definitely an improvement over the first time. Based on this small experiment, it does seem imaginable to me that one could train ChatGPT to ingest a published adventure and act as dungeon master for it. One likely challenge in this would be to make the AI keep things coherent, both regarding the development of the story as it develops and the overall context of the plot and backstory described in the adventure.

For example, in the adventure below, we start with the hero arriving at the villain's residence with an invitation to the dinner party. I had asked ChatGPT that one of the henchmen should open the door to me. In this moment, ChatGPT focused on the brutishness of the henchman and the scene sounded like I was about to enter the seedy den of a mafia boss rather than the residence of a respected member of society. So the text produced by ChatGPT was heavily based on the background description of the henchman and fit perfectly for a scene with this henchman without further context ... but there was further context which for this bit of text production was ignored.

Recently, Wizards of the Coast made the following statement:

No one at Wizards is working on AI DMs. We love our human DMs too much. If you’re looking for a DM, we suggest heading to our Discord where DMs and parties are looking for players.

If they are not going to work on AI DMs, I suspect somebody else will. What I think we will get pretty soon (say, in a couple of years) are AI assistants to the DM as part of a VTT. Rather than looking up rules, ask the AI assistant to summarize. Can't think of five interesting NPCs in the tavern the players decided to duck into of the top of your head? Ask the AI assistant... Right now, DMing is as driving was before everybody had a satnav available -- once in a while, one needed to stop and look up your route on a map. In a few years, many DMs will routinely ask an AI assistant rather than looking up things, be it rules or random tables, themselves.

Anyhow, below you find my adventure with ChatGPT, followed by the elements of the backstory generated by ChatGPT.

The Adventure

Now I want you to act as dungeon master in a roleplaying game. Pick at random one of the villains and five of the guests and two of the henchman. The setting of the game will be a dinner party given by the villain, to which he has invited the five random guests and me. I will play Bent, a halfling rogue and con man who is impersonating an ambassador from a faraway dukedom and who has been tasked with infiltrating the villains home, find prove of his nefarious activities and escape from the home with the evidence. The evidence should be located in one of the ten rooms of the house. We will play like this: You describe the scene to me and ask me what I want to do. You do not presume any activities I might undertake, ask me and I will tell you how Bent reacts to what you describe. I will describe what Bent does by writing in first person. Let us start the game: describe the scene when I arrive at the villains home and the door is opened by one of his henchmen.

As you approach the grand mansion of the villain, you notice the large, imposing structure looming over the surrounding houses. The windows are dark, and the only sound is the distant howling of the wind. You reach the front door, and knock firmly. After a moment, you hear the sound of heavy footsteps approaching. The door creaks open, revealing one of the villain's henchmen, a hulking man named Goliath, staring down at you with a scowl on his face. He is dressed in black, and you notice the scar across his cheek.

Goliath looks you up and down, taking in your halfling form and the fine clothes you are wearing. "Who are you and what do you want?" he growls.

As Bent, what would you like to do?

I draw myself up to my full halfing height and say: "I am Burt van Reynolds, distinguished ambassador of Duke Inigo Montoya. I have an invitation for tonight's dinner party."

Goliath looks at you skeptically, but you notice a flicker of recognition in his eyes as you mention the invitation. He steps aside, grudgingly, allowing you to enter the mansion. As you pass by him, you can feel his eyes on you, and you sense that he will be watching your every move.

You find yourself in a grand foyer, with marble floors and high ceilings. The walls are adorned with portraits of the villain and his ancestors, and you notice that they all seem to have a similar, cold expression on their faces. Ahead of you, you see a grand staircase that leads up to the second floor, and to your right, you see a door that leads to what appears to be a drawing room.

As you look around, you hear the sound of voices and laughter coming from the drawing room. It sounds like the other guests have already arrived, and you realize that this is your opportunity to blend in and gather information.

As Bent, what would you like to do next?

I want to join the other guests and look around.

You make your way towards the drawing room, trying to appear as confident and at ease as possible. As you enter the room, you notice that the guests are all dressed in their finest clothes, and they are engaged in conversation and laughter. You see the villain himself, mingling with his guests, a glass of wine in hand.

You scan the room, taking in the faces of the guests. You recognize some of them from your research, but you notice that there are a few unfamiliar faces as well. You notice that one of the guests is Duke Henry, a wealthy and powerful nobleman, known for his love of hunting and his collection of exotic animals. Another guest is Lady Elizabeth, a prominent member of high society, known for her love of fashion and her charitable works. You also spot Lord James, a wealthy merchant, known for his love of fine art and his investments in new technologies. You realize that this is your opportunity to gather information and find out more about the villain's plans.

As Bent, what would you like to do next?

I saunter over to the villain, profusely thank for the invitation and inquire about whether there is some special occasion for the dinner party: as ambassador, my schedule is so full, that it probably has slipped my mind.

You make your way over to the villain and give him a gracious bow. "Thank you so much for inviting me to this lovely dinner party," you say. "I am afraid my schedule as an ambassador is quite full, and I fear that I may have forgotten the occasion for this gathering. Would you be so kind as to remind me?"

The villain gives you a sly smile. "Of course, Ambassador," he says. "I am simply celebrating my recent business success. I find that it is always good to surround oneself with good company and fine food."

You nod and make small talk, trying to gather information about the villain's business dealings. You notice that he is evasive in his answers, and you sense that he may be hiding something. You decide to continue to mingle with the guests and see if you can gather any useful information.

As Bent, what would you like to do next?

I join a group of guests and listen to their conversation.

You make your way over to a group of guests who are engaged in conversation. You listen carefully, trying to gather any useful information about the villain and his plans.

You hear snippets of conversation about the villain's business dealings, and you notice that many of the guests seem to be investors or associates of the villain. They speak in hushed tones about the villain's recent business success, but you notice that there is an undercurrent of unease in their voices.

You also overhear talk about the villain's political ambitions, and you sense that some of the guests may be aware of his true plans. You realize that this is your opportunity to gather valuable information, and you decide to continue to listen to the conversations and see if you can find any evidence of the villain's nefarious activities.

As Bent, what would you like to do next?

Since I am invited, I should know the villains name, right? What is his name?

I apologize for the confusion. In the previous messages, I referred to the villain as simply "the villain" instead of giving him a specific name. The villain you are trying to expose is Lord Blackthorn, a wealthy merchant who is secretly plotting to overthrow the king.

I walk over to Duke Henry and, knowing that he loves exotic animals, tell him about the Wolperdinger, a fabled animal in the Dukedom of Duke Montoya.

You make your way over to Duke Henry, who is sipping on a glass of wine and admiring one of the paintings on the wall. You strike up a conversation with him, mentioning your supposed position as an ambassador of Duke Montoya and that you heard he is a lover of exotic animals.

"Have you ever heard of the Wolperdinger?" you ask him. "It's a fabled creature that inhabits the Dukedom of Duke Montoya. It's said to be a cross between a wolf and a perdix, with razor-sharp claws and the ability to speak. I heard that it's quite a sight to behold."

Duke Henry's eyes light up with interest. "I've never heard of such a creature," he says. "But it sounds quite fascinating. I must say, I've always been interested in exotic animals. Do you happen to have any specimens of this Wolperdinger?"

You shake your head and continue to converse with him, while keeping an eye out for any opportunity to gather information about Lord Blackthorn and his nefarious activities.

As Bent, what would you like to do next?

I ask Duke Henry about the king's health.

You continue your conversation with Duke Henry, and you decide to steer the conversation towards the king's health. You ask him "How is the king's health? I heard that he has been unwell lately."

Duke Henry's expression turns serious and he lowers his voice. "I'm afraid the king's health has been declining for some time now," he says. "There have been rumors that he may not be fit to rule for much longer. Lord Blackthorn has been very vocal about the need for a strong leader to take the throne and bring stability to the kingdom."

You nod, pretending to be interested in the conversation while you're actually trying to gather information about Lord Blackthorn's true plans. You continue to listen carefully, hoping to find some evidence of his nefarious activities.

As Bent, what would you like to do next?

I excuse my self, ostensibly looking for the toilet.

You excuse yourself from the conversation with Duke Henry, pretending to be in search of the toilet. As you move away, you take note of the layout of the mansion, looking for any potential hidden rooms or compartments where evidence of Lord Blackthorn's nefarious activities might be hidden.

You walk through the hallway, observing the paintings and decorations, noting any potential hiding places for evidence. You come across a door that seems out of place, with a lock on it, it could be the study, where you suspect Lord Blackthorn might have hidden his plans.

As Bent, what would you like to do next?

As rogue, I am a skilled pickpocket: I pick the lock and enter the study.

You approach the door, trying to appear as casual as possible. You reach into your pocket and retrieve your lockpicking tools. With a few quick motions, you manage to pick the lock and the door opens. You slip inside, closing the door behind you.

You find yourself in a dimly lit study, with bookshelves lining the walls and a large desk in the center of the room. You notice a painting of Lord Blackthorn hanging above the desk, and you can't help but feel a sense of unease as you look at it. You scan the room, looking for any sign of evidence of his nefarious activities.

As you begin to search the room, you notice a small compartment hidden behind a false bookcase on the wall. You open it and find a stack of documents and letters, detailing Lord Blackthorn's plans to overthrow the king, and correspondence with other potential allies and co-conspirators.

As Bent, what would you like to do next?

I hide the documents in the inner pocket of my very expensive bespoke coat and then open the door slightly and pear out into the corridor.

You quickly hide the documents in the inner pocket of your coat, making sure they're not visible. You then open the door slightly and peer out into the corridor. You see that the coast is clear, and you step out of the study, closing the door behind you.

As you walk through the corridor, you try to appear as casual as possible, all the while keeping an eye out for Lord Blackthorn or any of his henchmen. You can hear the sound of voices and laughter coming from the drawing room, and you realize that you need to find a way to leave the mansion without being noticed.

As Bent, what would you like to do next?

I rejoin the guests, drink a glass of wine and start acting as if I were completely drunk.

You make your way back to the drawing room and join the guests. You help yourself to a glass of wine and start drinking, trying to appear as if you are becoming increasingly drunk. You make loud and inappropriate comments, swaying on your feet and slurring your words. You hope that this will allow you to slip away unnoticed and escape from the mansion with the evidence.

As you continue to drink, you notice that the guests are beginning to give you strange looks, and you realize that you need to be careful not to overdo it. You keep an eye out for an opportunity to make your escape.

As Bent, what would you like to do next?

I act like I am about to throw up.

You continue to drink and act drunk, pretending that you are about to throw up. You excuse yourself from the group and make your way to the nearest door. You're hoping that people will be too preoccupied with your drunkenness to pay attention to your escape.

You open the door and step outside into the cool night air. You take a deep breath and look around, trying to orient yourself. You see that you're at the side of the mansion, near the stables. You realize that this is your chance to make a run for it and escape with the evidence.

As Bent, what would you like to do next?

Is there a fence or something around the property or can I simply walk away?

The property of Lord Blackthorn is surrounded by a high fence, with a locked gate at the front of the property. It would be difficult to simply walk away without being seen by the guards or the henchmen. However, since you are pretending to be drunk and throwing up, you could use this opportunity to stumble your way to the fence and find a way to climb over it unnoticed.

I stumble to the fence, grab two of he fence posts as if to steady myself. Then, using my incredible dexterity, I swing myself up and scale the fence.

You make your way towards the fence, using your acting skills to stumble and sway as if you were drunk. You grab hold of the fence posts and steady yourself, using them to hide your true intentions. With a quick and agile move, you swing yourself up onto the fence and begin to scale it.

You reach the top of the fence and drop down on the other side, landing gracefully. You take a moment to catch your breath and look around. You see that you're in a quiet residential area, and you realize that you've successfully escaped from the mansion with the evidence.

As Bent, what would you like to do next?

I examine the evidence: please read the first of the letters to me.

You take out the stack of documents from your inner pocket and begin to examine them. You find a letter on top of the stack, addressed to Lord Blackthorn. You open the letter and begin to read:

"My dear Lord Blackthorn,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you of the progress of our plan. As we discussed, I have been working to gather support from other noblemen and merchants who share our vision for a strong and stable kingdom.

I am pleased to report that many of them are receptive to our message, and they are willing to provide financial and political support. However, we must proceed with caution, as there are still those who remain loyal to the king.

I have also been working to acquire the necessary weapons and resources for our army. As you know, this is a delicate matter, and we must be careful not to attract too much attention.

I trust in your leadership and your vision for the kingdom, and I am confident that together we can achieve our goal.

Your faithful ally"

The letter is signed by a nobleman from a neighboring kingdom, and it is clear from the content that Lord Blackthorn is indeed planning to overthrow the king, using the support of other noblemen and merchants.

As Bent, what would you like to do next?

Please read me the second document

You continue to go through the stack of documents, and you come across another letter. You open it and begin to read:

"My Lord Blackthorn,

I am writing to update you on the status of our army. As you know, we have been recruiting soldiers from the lower classes, promising them better pay and better living conditions. This has been going well and we now have a considerable number of men under our command.

However, we have encountered some resistance from the king's loyalists. We have had to deal with some sabotage attempts, but we have managed to overcome them.

I want to remind you that we need to be prepared for any eventualities, our men are well trained and equipped but we might need to acquire more weapons and resources, if we want to succeed in our mission.

I await your further instructions.

Your loyal general"

This letter confirms that Lord Blackthorn has indeed been gathering an army, and that they have encountered resistance from those loyal to the king, but they have managed to overcome them. This evidence is quite incriminating.

As Bent, what would you like to do next?

I bring the evidence to my client and collect my reward.

With the evidence in hand, you make your way back to your client. You present the documents and letters as proof of Lord Blackthorn's nefarious activities and share your findings with them. Your client is shocked and impressed by the evidence you've uncovered.

They thank you for your service and pay you the agreed-upon reward for your efforts. You take the money, feeling a sense of satisfaction for a job well done. You know that your client will use this evidence to stop Lord Blackthorn's plans and bring him to justice.

As Bent, your mission is complete, but your story as a halfling rogue and con man could continue in many other adventures.

Generating the backstory

Here are the prompts I used to have ChatGPT generate background material for the adventure and ChatGPT's answers to it

The villains

For a fantasy rollplaying game, describe seven villains that are respected members of society but secretly strive to achieve some nefarious goal. The description should give each villain a name, his role in society, a physical description including some distinctive feature, a quirk, something that seems incongruous about them, and the nefarious goal he or she wants to achieve.

  • Lord Blackthorn - A powerful nobleman and leader of the local merchant guild. He is tall and imposing, with a scar running down the left side of his face. He is known for his love of fine wine and his collection of rare books. However, he secretly wants to overthrow the current king and take the throne for himself.

  • Lady Ravenswood - The head of the city's religious order, she is a beautiful woman with long black hair and striking green eyes. She is known for her charitable works and her kind demeanor, but secretly she is working to spread a dangerous cult throughout the kingdom.

  • Professor Lockwood - A renowned alchemist and scholar, he is a small, slender man with a thick beard and a pair of spectacles perched on his nose. He is known for his eccentric behavior, but in reality, he is using his knowledge of alchemy to create powerful weapons for a rival kingdom.

  • Captain Sterling - A brave and respected captain of the city guard. He is a tall, muscular man with a distinctive eagle tattoo on his right bicep. He is known for his strict adherence to the law, but secretly he is working with a group of bandits to smuggle illegal goods into the city.

  • Mayor Whitestone - The charismatic leader of the city council. He is a portly man with a distinctive bald head and a loud, booming voice. He is known for his dedication to public service, but secretly he is embezzling public funds to line his own pockets.

  • Doctor Holloway - A well-respected physician and healer. He is a middle-aged man with a receding hairline and a kind smile. He is known for his compassion and dedication to his patients, but secretly he is experimenting on them with dangerous and untested remedies.

  • The Countess - A wealthy and fashionable socialite. She is a tall, slender woman with a distinctive mole on her left cheek. She is known for her extravagant parties and her love of luxury, but secretly she is using her wealth and influence to control the city's political leaders and bend them to her will.

Evidence for the villains' nefarious activities and where to find it.

Note that ChatGPT is very fond of false walls!

Now for each of the villains, describe evidence that might be found somewhere in their home that proves their nefarious activities as well as where it might be discovered

  • Lord Blackthorn - Evidence of his plans to overthrow the king might be found in a hidden room or compartment in his study, possibly behind a false bookcase. The evidence could include letters or documents outlining his plans, as well as any correspondence with potential allies or co-conspirators.

  • Lady Ravenswood - Evidence of her cult activities might be found in a hidden room or compartment in her private chambers, possibly behind a false wall or in a locked cabinet. The evidence could include religious texts or artifacts, as well as correspondence with other cult members or leaders.

  • Professor Lockwood - Evidence of his weapons manufacturing activities might be found in a hidden laboratory or workshop in his home, possibly in the basement or behind a false wall. The evidence could include alchemical formulas, drawings or plans for the weapons, as well as any correspondence with potential buyers or investors.

  • Captain Sterling - Evidence of his smuggling activities might be found in a hidden room or compartment in his home, possibly behind a false wall or in a locked cabinet. The evidence could include maps of smuggling routes, lists of illegal goods, and correspondence with his bandit associates.

  • Mayor Whitestone - Evidence of his embezzlement activities might be found in a hidden room or compartment in his home, possibly in a locked cabinet or behind a false wall. The evidence could include financial documents, records of illegal transactions, and correspondence with other embezzlers or corrupt officials.

  • Doctor Holloway - Evidence of his unethical experimentation activities might be found in a hidden laboratory in his home, possibly in the basement or behind a false wall. The evidence could include medical records, notes and observations, and correspondence with other unethical physicians or researchers.

  • The Countess - Evidence of her control over the city's political leaders might be found in a hidden room or compartment in her home, possibly in a locked cabinet or behind a false wall. The evidence could include letters or documents outlining her control, as well as correspondence with the political leaders she controls.

The henchmen

Think of seven henchmen that might be working for any of the villains and provide a name, a description with a distinctive feature, their character and a weakness they have.

  • The brute: A hulking man named Goliath who is fiercely loyal to his employer, he has a distinctive scar across his cheek and is known for his brute strength and his lack of intelligence. He is fiercely loyal but can be easily manipulated.

  • The assassin: A silent and deadly woman named Raven who is a skilled assassin and known for her black clothing and a distinctive tattoo of a raven on her neck, she is cold and calculating, but has a weakness for money, and can be bribed.

  • The scientist: A brilliant but eccentric man named Dr. Frankenstein, known for his wild hair and goggles, he is a skilled inventor and scientist, but has a tendency to become obsessed with his work and can be easily distracted.

  • The enforcer: A cold and ruthless man named Stone, known for his stoic demeanor and his scarred knuckles, he is a skilled enforcer and bodyguard, but has a weakness for alcohol and can become reckless when drinking.

  • The spy: A charming and cunning woman named Scarlett, known for her striking red hair and her ability to blend in with any crowd, she is a skilled spy and infiltrator, but has a tendency to become too invested in her covers and can lose sight of her mission.

  • The hacker: A reclusive and eccentric man named Neo, known for his love of technology and his collection of vintage computers, he is a skilled hacker and computer expert, but has a tendency to become too absorbed in the digital world and can overlook potential physical threats.

  • The magician: A mysterious and enigmatic man named The Illusionist, known for his impressive stage magic tricks and his distinctive top hat, he is a skilled magician and illusionist, but has a tendency to become too caught up in his own tricks and can overlook important details.

Reason for the villain's dinner party

Now give me seven possible occasions because of which any of these villains might give a dinner party at their home.

  • Lord Blackthorn might give a dinner party to celebrate a successful business deal or to gain support from other wealthy merchants for his plans to overthrow the king.

  • Lady Ravenswood might give a dinner party to introduce new members to her cult and to gain their trust and loyalty.

  • Professor Lockwood might give a dinner party to demonstrate his alchemical creations to potential buyers or investors.

  • Captain Sterling might give a dinner party to celebrate a recent successful smuggling operation or to plan future illegal activities with his bandit associates.

  • Mayor Whitestone might give a dinner party to gain support for his re-election campaign or to celebrate a recent financial gain from embezzlement.

  • Doctor Holloway might give a dinner party to present his latest medical discoveries to other physicians or to gain funding for his unethical experiments.

  • The Countess might give a dinner party to flaunt her wealth and influence and to gain the loyalty of powerful and influential guests.

You misunderstood me, I want seven mundane reasons that have nothing to do with their ambition: birthday, holiday celebration, etc. Can you try again?

Sure, here are seven mundane reasons that any of these villains might give a dinner party at their home:

  • Lord Blackthorn might give a dinner party to celebrate his birthday, or to mark a milestone anniversary in his business.

  • Lady Ravenswood might give a dinner party to celebrate a religious holiday or to mark the completion of a charitable project.

  • Professor Lockwood might give a dinner party to celebrate a successful publication of a scholarly paper, or to mark a milestone in his alchemical research.

  • Captain Sterling might give a dinner party to celebrate a recent promotion or commendation in his duties as a city guard captain.

  • Mayor Whitestone might give a dinner party to celebrate the city's annual festival or to mark a successful public works project.

  • Doctor Holloway might give a dinner party to celebrate the graduation of a student from his apprenticeship or to mark a milestone in his medical practice.

  • The Countess might give a dinner party to celebrate a fashionable event or to mark a milestone in her social calendar.

Guests at the dinner party

Now give me 10 people who might be guests at such a dinner party, again with name, their role in society, appearance with a distinctive feature and somthing that may seem incongruous about them.

Sure, here are ten people who might be guests at one of these dinner parties:

  • Duke Henry - A wealthy and powerful nobleman, known for his love of hunting and his collection of exotic animals. He is a tall, broad-shouldered man with a thick mustache and a distinctive gold ring on his right hand. He seems incongruous because, despite his noble status, he is known to have a penchant for gambling and a fondness for taverns.

  • Lady Elizabeth - A prominent member of high society, known for her love of fashion and her charitable works. She is a beautiful, slender woman with long blonde hair and a distinctive pearl necklace. She seems incongruous because, despite her refined appearance, she is known to have a sharp tongue and a tendency to gossip.

  • Lord James - A wealthy merchant, known for his love of fine art and his investments in new technologies. He is a middle-aged man with a receding hairline and a distinctive monocle. He seems incongruous because, despite his wealth and status, he is known to be a bit of a penny-pincher and is not generous with his wealth.

  • Captain Robert - A brave and respected captain of the city guard, known for his bravery and his strict adherence to the law. He is a tall, muscular man with a distinctive scar on his cheek and a missing left hand. He seems incongruous because, despite his reputation as a hero, he is known to have a quick temper and a tendency to be dismissive of others.

  • Mayor Thomas - The leader of the city council, known for his dedication to public service and his efforts to improve the city. He is a portly man with a distinctive bald head and a loud, booming voice. He seems incongruous because, despite his reputation as a public servant, he is known to have a tendency to put his own interests ahead of those of the city.

  • Doctor Mary - A well-respected physician and healer, known for her compassion and dedication to her patients. She is a middle-aged woman with a kind smile and a distinctive pair of spectacles. She seems incongruous because, despite her reputation as a caring doctor, she is known to be quite private and guarded about her personal life.

  • Priest George - A respected member of the city's religious order, known for his sermons and his charitable works. He is a middle-aged man with a receding hairline and a distinctive pair of spectacles. He seems incongruous because, despite his reputation as a man of faith, he is known to have a fondness for gambling and a quick temper.

  • Professor Sarah - A renowned scholar and alchemist, known for her knowledge of ancient texts and her research in alchemy. She is a slender woman with a distinctive pair of spectacles and a wild mop of curly hair. She seems incongruous because, despite her reputation as a brilliant academic, she is known to be quite absent-minded and disorganized.

  • Baroness Caroline - A wealthy and fashionable socialite, known for her love of luxury and her extravagant parties. She is a tall, slender woman with a distinctive mole on her left cheek and a penchant for wearing the latest fashions. She seems incongruous because, despite her reputation as a fashionable socialite, she is known to be quite rude and dismissive of those beneath her social station.

  • Ambassador Alexander - A respected diplomat from a neighboring kingdom, known for his knowledge of international politics and his efforts to maintain peaceful relations with other nations. He is a tall, slender