1 min read

The Joy of LaTeX

No, not what you think (though a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste!)

No, not what you think (but a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste!)

An incredidble amount of published material for D&D – probably the vast majority – seems to be written in MS Word.

Even though Microsoft's tools are getting better at supporting versioning and collaboration on documents (though that all comes with the use of Microsofts proprietary cloud services), I don't think this is a path I want to go down when writing adventures.

Rather, I will use the DND 5e LaTeX template as basis. This will mean tweaking it so that (1) I get a distinctive look and feel for my publications rather than aping what WOTC does, and (2) adding some extensions that I want, such as

  • define a NPC/monster description once and then use it multiple times (e.g., first when the NPC/monster is introduced, then later in an appendix)
  • collect and re-use the salinet information (e.g., what Sly Flourish calls "Secrets & Clues"
  • introduce distinct sidebars for distinct purposes so as to provide the GM with an easy overview over all relevant information.

The only danger here: there is a good chance that I will never finish tweaking the LaTeX style ... and thus never begin writing my first publication ...